Buttermilk Sandwich Bread (Pan Carre’)


Another bread post… I know, I have developed a slight obsession for bread-making, but the truth is there are so many ways to make beautiful breads, and now that I have embarked upon the journey of home-baking, I owe it to myself to search and experiment like there’s no tomorrow. So many breads, so little time! Pan Carre’ is a very famous Italian bread, especially among the little ones, as it keeps a soft crust and moist and brioche-like crumb. It makes the perfect sandwich bread for your kids lunch box. And if you have it in the morning with a generous amount of butter and jam, your day will be better and brighter.

INGREDIENTS, makes 1 loaf

1 tablespoon dry yeast

120 ml (1/2 cup) luke warm water.

150 ml buttermilk (3/4 cup)

450 g (3 1/2 cups)r of all-purpose flour

50 gr (1/2 cup) of rye flour (you can substitute with spelt or wholemeal)

1 tablespoon of honey or barely mat syrup

1 1/2 teaspoon salt


1. Dissolve the yeast in the water. Leave to rest for 10 minutes, until it appears frothy.

2. In a large bowl mix the flours with the of honey or barley malt syrup, the buttermilk and the yeasted water. Knead well for about 5 minutes, then add the salt. If you the dough is too dry, add a few tablespoons of water. It it’s too wet, sprinkle a little flour and keep kneading until the dough is smooth and silky. As all flours vary slightly, don’t be alarmed if you need to make adjustments to achieve the right texture. Let your instinct guide you and you will not go wrong.

3. Leave the dough to rest onto a floured sheet of grease-proof paper for 30 minutes.

4. After its rested, the dough will appear smoother and very elastic. Gently stretch it in the shape of a rectangle and fold it onto itself three times. Put the dough in an oiled loaf tin, cover with oiled cling wrap and bulk-prove until doubled in size. This will take 1 1/2 to 2 hours, according to the temperature in your house. The cooler it is, the longer it will take.


5. Preheat you oven to 200 C (390 F).

6. Glaze the top with  egg wash made with 1 beaten egg mixed with 2 tablespoons of milk,  and bake for 25/30 minutes. Allow to cool in the tin for 30 minutes before lifting the bread out (or it may tear!), then rest on a wire rack until completely cool.




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Silvia’s Cucina the cookbook is now available in stores and online!



30 Comments Add yours

  1. looks delicious~ I am going to try this soon~

    1. Thanks! I’m about to make it today. My Children love it.

  2. Allison says:

    Your bread looks gorgeous! I think I will give it a try!

    1. Let me know how it turns out!

  3. Janet says:

    Can’t wait to try this, Slivia! May I share it on Pinterest?

  4. Iris says:

    Delicious! Can I substitute the rye flour with anything else?

    1. Oh yes, spelt flour is gorgeous with this bread

  5. Cathy says:

    I would love to make this bread, but I don’t measure in grams.

  6. Dear Cathy, I have adjusted the recipe to include cup measurement.

  7. What a great looking loaf of bread. Looks delicious. I love to bake bread, so I am looking forward to trying this recipe. http://jovinacooksitalian.com/

    1. Thanks Jovina! Let , me know when you try it! I make it every Sunday night for my little boy’s school lunch sandwiches.

  8. alessandra Colloca says:

    delicious! I have the mouth watering!

    1. Uela’! Ma l’hai provato, sis?

  9. Blue Strong says:

    Thank you! This is what we needed. A great soft bread recipe!

    1. Pleasure! Did you try it?

  10. Anna says:

    I love how you give a healthy twist to something as pan carré. And no butter!!! Love that.

    1. Thanks Anna. Soft bread doesn’t have to be unhealthy. I’m such a bread addict!

  11. Elda says:

    Hi Silvia, do you have any recipe for a healthy rye bread!! I’m going to try your olive oil bread too! Thanks ,Elda

    1. HI Elda, I will post one soon, stay tuned!

  12. Michael says:

    that is the non dairy alternative for buttermilk? 🙂

    1. Hi Michael, water will work just fine!

  13. Sonya says:

    Really nice bread recipe, the crust does stay so soft. The only problem I had was knowing when it’s done, any tips- if using fan-asisited oven for example? I used all white flour so maybe that’s why it took longer time to bake so I had to cover it with tin foil for a while for the center to be done. Great recipe, thanks! Sonya

    1. It looks to me you used your instinct and it didn’t fail! Brava. Ovens are all a little different and you did well prolonging the cooking of your loaf. I am constantly tweaking recipes too!

  14. Thank you for the link to my post. Your bread looks delicious. I never thought of combininh buttermilk and yeast. Have to make this bread.

    1. My pleasure, darling!

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